About Us

AOTSA Pty Ltd (Academy of Training South Africa) was established in 2012.

AOTSA’s organisational philosophy is defined by its mission, vision and core values.
Through the course of the strategic planning process, stakeholders should pay tribute to the current set of Training academy values believing they accurately reflect the principles and beliefs shared by the community. A.O.T.SA (PTY) LTD is a South African Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) level 2 company that provides Soft Skills and Occupational Health and Safety Training to corporate, public sector, and individuals from different walks of life and various industrial sectors in South Africa and through out Africa.

As businesses, irrespective of size, location, sector or turnover face unique challenges, requiring innovative and imperative re-designs when so needed. In Health and Safety Training Sector, A.O.T.SA (PTY) LTD has highly experienced staff who evaluated the burgeoning need for training in most sectors of the SA economy. In establishing the organisation, we based our guiding principle purely on creative and innovative technologies and undertook to develop and provide the best training programmes possible.

To transform hopes and dreams into skills and knowledge.

To be a leader in accredited education and training.