Legislation and Legal liability (Accredited) ILT



  • Determine the management controls required under legislation to achieve compliance.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of record keeping required by the legislation.
  • Explain the legal obligations of the employer in terms of training and communication.
  • Explaining the requirements for the implementation of a safety and health management programme in the workplace.
  • Implementing the procedures for evaluating safety and health performance in a workplace, as required by the safety and health management programme.
  • Evaluating performance of workplace safety activities required by the safety and health management programme.
  • Formative Assessment in class/ at home.
  • Practical operation / observation in the workplace during session.
  • POE Building.


  • Attendance register of company induction process – your signature:
  • Venue checklist – (Facilitator / Assessor).
  • Attendance Register.
  • ID Copies (certified).
  • Written knowledge Assessment in class.
  • Practical operation / observation in the workplace during session.
  • Logbook – signed off by manager or supervisor.
  • POE Building.


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant current occupational health and safety legislation
Participate in the implementation and evaluation of a safety and health management program in the workplace – Competency Certificate

5 Day

Unit Standard 120344, 259601

Learners found competent in this unit standard will be able to explain the basic principles of relevant current health and safety legislation and the consequences of non-compliance.
Learners credited with this unit standard will be able to explain the importance of integrating safety and health considerations in routine activities within the workplace and identify the critical areas in order to prevent incidents from taking place. Learners will be able to measure safety performance against established objectives, deal with any deviations from the set objectives and make recommendations on the development of the safety and health management program.

Communication at NQF Level 2
Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2

Course Outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of the relevant legislation.
Explain the requirements for compliance as stipulated in the current legislation.
Determine the management controls required under legislation to achieve compliance.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of record-keeping required by the legislation.
Explain the legal obligations of the employer in terms of training and communication.
Explaining the requirements for the implementation of a safety and health management program in the workplace.
Implementing the procedures for evaluating safety and health performance in a workplace, as required by the safety and health management program.
Evaluating performance of workplace safety activities required by the safety and health management program.

Notional Hours – Notional learning hours are the estimated learning time taken by the ‘average’ student to achieve the specified learning outcomes of the course unit or program.

4 Credits = 40 hours = 5 days Total
2 days theory (Class time) 3 days Practical Implementation in the Workplace
Notional learning time includes teaching contact time (lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical’s, workshops,
fieldwork etc.), time spent on preparing and carrying out formative and summative assessments (written
coursework, oral presentations, exams, etc.) and time spent on private study, workplace Implementation.

AOTSA Training Course content is designed and based on:

▪The requirements of the SAQA unit standards
▪Legal Requirements
▪Best Practices

The content, therefore, includes more than is required by the unit standards. Our mission is to ensure all learners received the best training possible within each subject matter content:
▪Where possible videos to provide insight into the subject matter. Some of the content of the video used in this Training Course are from other countries and may not apply to South African Law Requirements.
We include relevant articles on the subject matter.
▪We include descriptive images of the subject matter.
▪Where required and relevant PDF template documents are required within the subject matter.

Note: Wherever a phone number, company name, or emergency department is mentioned it cannot be used in South Africa


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